The solutions to a problem is through it
Multifaceted Growth: Interact Club

To inculcate in the hearts of young Interactors the virtue of leadership, forbearance & benevolence, the Installation Ceremony of the Interact Club was held on August 8, 2012. Associated with the parent club – Rotary Club of New Delhi, the school club is awe-inspiring and motivating as it is perpetually treading on the path of selfless service thereby rendering their support for noble cause. The whole atmosphere was a perfect amalgamation of perfection personified. The auspicious occasion began by welcoming Rtn. Ashish Makhija - President, Rotary Club of New Delhi, PP Rtn Vimal Gupta, PP Rtn. Daljeet Bhatia, Rtn. Girish Mehta, Rtn. Gaurav Bhargav & Rtn. Kashish Chandan. It was followed by lighting of the lamp and seeking Lord’s blessings through Ganesh Vandana. Rtn. Prashant Sahgal formally addressed the august gathering.
The Path of Duty is a way to Glory
Then it was the turn of the Outgoing President Sheena Garg to give an insight of her team’s accomplishments made during last year in the form of a presentation stating the innumerable projects undertaken so far and invited the Incoming President Swathi Balaji to share her future projects. Exchange of collar with the Incoming President Swathi Balaji was not only a cherished memory for Sheena Garg but the fact that no matter even if the share of her responsibilities goes in different hands still the feelings generated would be carried on as a rich legacy to continue for long. She introduced her team of office bearers which in turn were pinned by distinguished Rotarians as they took on their coveted posts ready to bring leadership into action with the pledge of SERVICE ABOVE SELF. President Rtn. Ashish Makhija in his speech was all praise for the school management and the Interactors for putting up a great show canvassing the picture of the school as the future winner amongst other clubs if they strive to do so. His address also highlighted the collective efforts of everyone to emerge out with a sense of contentment especially in the arena of following Traffic Rules thereby bringing this year’s theme “Peace through Service” to the forefront. To unfold another surprise five Interactors – Sheena Garg, Sharon Banga, Vipul Dhall, Rohit Aggarwal and Deepika Grover were given recognition by our Parent Club for their outstanding contribution in the field of humanitarian services. Appreciation Awards were also given to Ms. Usha Sahgal – School Principal and Ms. Poonam Phillips – Interact Incharge of the school. A token of love and gratitude to School
P.K. Sahgal was like an icing on the cake. Interactor Mudit Singhal also shared his experiences on being a part of International Delegation to U.S.A. this year in June. The cultural segment ended with a dance ‘Peace through Networking’ which took the applause by one and all. The culmination of the occasion took place by a formal Vote of Thanks proposed by the Interact Incharge of the school. To give a kick start to the first project of the year, plantation of the saplings was also done in the school premises under the able guidance of President Rtn. Ashish Makhija and his team. To sum up I quote –
"Life is an arena of action
Every action can bring a Revolution to take us ahead & ahead."